THE ROBMAN SHOW! Episode #6 “What’s In the Bag?”
A new comic strip every Sunday morning from Rob Van Brunt!
FRIDAY NIGHT FRIGHTS: C.H.U.D. II: BUD THE CHUD (1989) “Just the… Ugliest Looking NERD In the World!”
Here’s a fun idea for you to try sometime during this Halloween weekend: Go into a bar or any place serving drinks where you can initiate a casual chat with whoever’s working. Gradually turn your conversation toward horror movies (specifically ones from the 80’s) and after a while, mention C.H.U.D. If the person you’re yapping it up with recites what those letters actually stand for (Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller), congratulations! You’ve just met someone pretty cool. However what happens next will determine whether this person is actually super cool. Say this: “Yeah C.H.U.D. is fun but come on, C.H.U.D. II is even better.” There are only two things that can happen after making such a bold statement. You’ll either have your ass instantly kicked and thrown into the back alley where it will be kicked some more or that bartender is buying your drinks for the rest of the night.
Let me know how that shakes out.
COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #1 Luigi’s Mansion 3
C’mon. It had to be Luigi’s Mansion 3 in the top spot right? Having taken over development duties with Luigi’s Mansion 2: Dark Moon for the 3DS (and also behind the great Punch-Out!! for Wii), Next Level Games proved themselves to be a studio with formidable technical skills and a real eye for art design. And here, once again their work on Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a sight to behold with stunning animation and gorgeous details oozing from every corner of the screen. It is hands down one of the most graphically gorgeous games ever released featuring these characters and is a no brainer for the Halloween season. I’m just gonna say it: This is Nintendo’s “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.”
That translates to: We’ve got ourselves a tradition.
COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #2 Mad Monster Mansion (Banjo-Kazooie)
Yes, we’ve got a bit of a cheat here as I’m recommending a specific stage in a game rather than the entire thing. It’s a slippery slope for sure but by God I’ve lost enough sleep since beginning this countdown at the thought of not including it. To be fair, Banjo-Kazooie is in my top ten games of all time and the entirety demands to be played any time of year. But all of the little details in this Mad Monster Mansion area: From that amazing stage music right down to transforming into a damn playable Jack ‘o Lantern…listen, it really doesn’t get much more Halloween than this.
Except for the #1 entry in this countdown I guess.
PODCAST: HALLOWEEN (1978):”I Guess Every Nerd is Entitled to One Good Scare, Huh?”
Rob and Ray brave the streets of Haddonfield circa 1978 and are here to report back about the infamous “Babysitter Murders” by way of some dude named Michael Myers. Please enjoy listening to us yap about the legendary director John Carpenter’s original classic slasher!
THE ROBMAN SHOW! Episode #5 “Praise Be to He.”
A new comic strip every Sunday morning from Rob Van Brunt!
FRIDAY NIGHT FRIGHTS: PSYCHO II (1983) “I Forgot to Bring Any Cu-Cutlery.”
Psycho II is nothing short of miraculous: It’s a movie carrying around the stones big enough to even attempt the impossible by following up the original Hitchcock classic 22 years later yet *spoiler alert* folks, it manages to succeed in just about every way imaginable. From the beautifully clever and twisty (not to mention twisted) script courtesy of Tom Holland (Fright Night, Child’s Play) to just a flat out all timer of a return performance by Anthony Perkins (Psycho, This One, Psycho III, Psycho IV: The Beginning), this is a sequel that knows it has something to prove. And not only does the movie step up to the plate and point to the cheap seats…
…it swings and knocks the skin off the ball before that thing flies out of the park.
COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #3 Outlast II
Outlast II is perfect: It is also definitely not for everyone. But for what the developers are setting out to accomplish, the game is just flawless in my opinion. From the airtight controls to the jaw dropping graphics (really pushing Nintendo’s aging little hybrid console and flexing it’s capabilities), here we have a truly terrifying experience with tense mechanics, a beyond unsettling narrative and…
..well, I could just go on and on about this one!
COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #4 Layers of Fear: Legacy
Layers of Fear: Legacy is one of those “psychological” horror games where your mind occasionally “plays tricks” on you. It’s the kind of experience intending to immerse players in an atmosphere where you’re forced to “question” your own “sanity.” Sort of a distant relative of Eternal Darkness for the GameCube in that regard: Plenty of environmental puzzles offered within a spooky setting. It’s also one of very few non first party Switch titles that I burned right through upon starting, compelled to completion amongst a ridiculous backlog of games.
That means I sure liked it!
COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #5 Resident Evil: REMAKE
You couldn’t really go wrong with just about any entry in this series but I’ve chosen the high definition remaster of the iconic remake that originally released on the Gamecube back in 2002 to single out. Actually it was specifically a toss up between either this or the remaster of RE4. But as much as I do love that fourth *ahem* game changing installment, it leans harder toward the action genre than this, the original, the classic, the great Resident Evil.
PODCAST: BATMAN FOREVER (1995):”What Kind of a Nerd Has Bats on the Brain?”
I find it highly likely that were Tim Burton to continue directing Michael Keaton as Batman in a third installment, Halloween would have featured as a prominent setting. Y’know just like Christmas did in Returns. Unfortunately, we don’t live in the timeline where such a scenario occurred but Batman Forever still wound up being the (to date) only live action Dark Knight cinematic adventure to take place during the spooky season. Isn’t that weird!? Time to join Rob and Ray as we yap about Joel Schumacher’s 1995 take on the caped crusader!
THE ROBMAN SHOW! Episode #4 “I Have No Ears, and I Cannot Hear.”
A new comic strip every Sunday morning from Rob Van Brunt.
FRIDAY NIGHT FRIGHTS: FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2 (1981) “…He's Still Out There... Some Sort of Demented Nerd, Surviving in the Wilderness…”
Released in 1981 (nearly one year to the day after the first film) Friday the 13th Part 2 was yet another big box office success for Paramount Pictures. Once again shot on the tiniest of budgets, the film easily earned well over it’s money back and a formula was now in place. Though it could have been dismissed as a quick cash in project, fans clearly filled the theater seats and wanted more. This is the one that really laid the groundwork for the series moving forward, while also firmly establishing the franchise’s dominance in horror. Rising to the top as an annual must see event for genre fans swimming in an ocean of imitators.
This is the one where Jason arrives.
HALLOWEEN 2023 PHOTO BLOG: “See Ya Tomorrow… Love, Jason”
You could say that around here, there’s a whiff of excitement in the air about there being a Friday the 13th during the month of October. It’s like getting two Halloweens!! With that in mind, you can probably guess what tomorrow’s Friday Night Fright will bring. But until then, I thought I’d share some snaps taken earlier today of the The Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Jason Voorhees action figure. By far and away my favorite design of the guy from any of the films!
COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #6 The Mummy Demastered
Now that you’ve finished cleaning up that drink you just spat across the screen, yes I know this is a licensed game “based” on a total box office failure. One starring a certain TCruise that was meant to kick off a ahem, Universal Monsters cinematic universe *crickets*. But stick with me here for a second, as the connection to that film is loose at best. Really what this is is a rock solid Metroid-like 16-bit style sidescrolling shooter developed by WayForward (Contra 4, Duck Tales: Remastered, The Shantae Series). And it totally stands on it’s own as a really fun game.