Directed by William Shatner himself, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is for the most part universally agreed upon as being the worst cinematic outing of the entire franchise. But since all throughout this year we’ll be taking a look back and honoring the 35th anniversaries of that great string of 1989 genre releases, I at least wanted to acknowledge this movie in some way. Admittedly I am a pretty big fan of Trek as a whole, but I still couldn’t bring myself to do an entire write up here because berating it is such low hanging fruit. Instead, let’s have a look at a behind the scenes clip that all by itself almost makes this fifth big screen entry’s existence totally worth it. Almost but more like kinda…
…actually not really, though it’s still fun.
Here we have a press conference that I only recently came across as an extra pulled from the Star Trek V Blu Ray and it is comedy gold. The words “awkward” and “painful” are leaning toward the right direction but still can’t quite capture how it actually feels to witness this thing. Shatner is completely out of his element and his massive ego and stress level are on full display. The entire clip is truly something to behold. It’s so insane that it almost feels staged, like some genius outtake from Galaxy Quest.