COUNTDOWN: Top Ten Switch Games I Played in 2023 #10 Gravity Circuit

Well it’s that time of year again people, when best of 2023 lists of all shapes and sizes begin to crop up across every corner of the internet. And here at The Dorkside that means it’s time to check off the top ten Nintendo Switch games that yours truly played over these last 12 months. In compiling and ranking this countdown though, my personal rule was that each title had to be released in 2023 which added up to precisely 10 purchases. Meaning that the first couple of games here managed to make the list purely by virtue of fitting into that guideline.

Which isn’t to say that Gravity Circuit is a bad game, far from it!

There’s been no shortage of indie devloped, Mega Man inspired, retro platformers for a number of years now. Some of which manage to become modern classics in their own right with many others producing little more than a “huh” and a yawn before the urge to play something else quickly sets in.

But Gravity Circuit falls firmly on the higher end of quality, with the major twist on that 8-bit template being found in the attack mechanics. Instead of an arm cannon, your character disposes of enemies with a close combat melee attack. This does a fun job of intensifying the action and overall feels really great. In fact, across the board the controls are excellent with booster chips adding fun new abilities as you progress.

If I had to complain about anything, it’d be that the game is a little too “talky” with lots of cutscenes imposing on the action. But that’s a pretty minor quibble when a game looks, sounds and plays this well.

Gravity Circuit is available as a Direct Download from the Nintendo eShop for $21.99


COUNTDOWN: Top Ten Switch Games I Played in 2023 #9 Tanuki Justice


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