COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #6 The Mummy Demastered
Now that you’ve finished cleaning up that drink you just spat across the screen, yes I know this is a licensed game “based” on a total box office failure. One starring a certain TCruise that was meant to kick off a ahem, Universal Monsters cinematic universe *crickets*. But stick with me here for a second, as the connection to that film is loose at best. Really what this is is a rock solid Metroid-like 16-bit style sidescrolling shooter developed by WayForward (Contra 4, Duck Tales: Remastered, The Shantae Series). And it totally stands on it’s own as a really fun game.
As is to be expected from those designers the gameplay is totally on point with tight controls and nice visuals, a fun combat system and yes, awesomely spooky theme. While there’s been no shortage of this type of indie developed retro game available across all consoles for a while now, The Mummy Demastered surprisingly sits on the right side of quality. But to be honest, the real praise I have to throw at this game and one that would make it a recommendation all by itself is the music. Just wow, the music is truly something else. I have no idea what kinda project composer Gavin Allen (aka Monomer) thought this was but this soundtrack is by far and away one of the best I’ve heard on the Nintendo Switch. It’s one that I listen to all on it’s own and each time still can’t believe it’s attached to a video game based on The Mummy starring Tom Cruise.
Just listen to this one track and get ready to pull out that wallet.