FRIDAY NIGHT FRIGHTS: C.H.U.D. II: BUD THE CHUD (1989) “Just the… Ugliest Looking NERD In the World!”

Here’s a fun idea for you to try sometime during this Halloween weekend: Go into a bar or any place serving drinks where you can initiate a casual chat with whoever’s working. Gradually turn your conversation toward horror movies (specifically ones from the 80’s) and after a while, mention C.H.U.D. If the person you’re yapping it up with recites what those letters actually stand for (Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller), congratulations! You’ve just met someone pretty cool. However what happens next will determine whether this person is actually super cool. Say this: “Yeah C.H.U.D. is fun but come on, C.H.U.D. II is even better.” There are only two things that can happen after making such a bold statement. You’ll either have your ass instantly kicked and thrown into the back alley where it will be kicked some more or that bartender is buying your drinks for the rest of the night.

Let me know how that shakes out.

C.H.U.D. II finds itself nestled snuggly within the pedigree of films that have been featured in this year’s Friday Night Frights series. Pretty much a sequel in name only to the first, here is another instance where the part two genre shifts from mostly straight ahead horror into full on comedy. And it’s astounding how many of the rapid fire jokes manage to land. Apparently the director shot 3 versions of CHUD 2: One focusing on horror, the other comedy and then the third a safer cut for television. What a beautiful cocktail that editor had to work with!

Going over the plot feels a bit ridiculous as it’s essentially your average zombie movie, only here they’re referred to as Chuds. All you need to know is that first, you should watch it. Second, it follows three teenagers (?) who were in the wrong place at the wrong time and are now tasked with recovering an undead body designed by the government as some kind of secret weapon. And third, that that undead body is Bud the Chud and Bud is gonna make a lot more Chuds.

Let’s go over a few of my favorite things about this movie!

Up first of course is the undeniably fantastic physical and near total silent performance by Gerritt Graham as Bud. Probably known best amongst horror nerd die hards for his iconic portrayal as Beef in Phantom of the Paradise, the dude was also in Child’s Play 2 (A movie that almost made the cut for this year’s FNF list). I can’t say enough about how much I love him other than years ago I signed up for some German fan-page devoted to the actor that doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Sure hope I didn’t provide them with any credit card information!

Giving Graham a run for his comedic MVP prize of the movie is the great Robert Vaughn (known by me at the time for definitely not Lex Luthor but pretty much Lex Luthor in Superman III)

I mean, the dude is a military Colonel who rolls around in a bazooka stocked limousine ready to take out anything that doesn’t appeal to him (watch out ugly dentists). Every line this guy delivers sticks and he makes the movie worth watching all on his own!

There are a lot of jokes involving kids and pets in this, but one of my all time favorite cinematic sight gags ever is when a small pet becomes CHUDIFIED and drags the mailman away.

The third act where Bud’s collection of Chud buddies march toward a high school (?) Halloween Dance is just the best and it even features a cameo by none other than A Nightmare on Elm Street’s Robert Englund!

Is this supposed to be pre burnt up Freddy? It would be pretty easy to see how this character walking along with a little girl while wearing a trenchcoat means that we are in a shared universe and I am all in on that!

From the opening titles with that great synthesized soundtrack to the adorable post credits scene, C.H.U.D. II is a firing on all cylinders well oiled lo-fi time machine back to my childhood. It definitely created a feeling which I can only describe as a “staying up past your bedtime with the lights out watching a scary movie” tone. A dragon that I’ve been chasing and mostly failing to find in other movies ever since, yet this one still manages to effortlessly provide.

If for whatever reason you’ve never gotten around to seeing C.H.U.D. II: Bud the CHUD and are a big fan of 80’s horror/comedies, get ready. This is the genre’s equivalent of listening to Pet Sounds for the first time and one of my absolute all time favorite movies to watch during Halloween.

C.H.U.D. II is available to stream on The Roku Channel, Tubi - Free Movies & TV, Local Now, Prime Video, Vudu or Apple TV on your Roku device.

This one is for the generations.

Click Here For a Bonus Bud the Chud Rap Song!


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