PSA: 1080 Snowboarding Makes It’s Long Awaited Appearance On the Nintendo Switch!

We interrupt our 2023 top ten countdown to bring you this very important announcement: 1080 Snowboarding is now available for the Nintendo Switch. I honestly couldn’t begin to calculate how many hours I sunk into this game back when it first came out for the N64 in 1998.

Mostly because I was 17 years old, real deep into my house music listening/raver days and more often than not in some form of heavily altered state.

Playing it again now 25 years later made it instantly clear just how these challenging and…shall we say specific controls are ingrained into my motor skills. It was this odd sensation that no time had passed at all, that whole “like riding a bike” feeling washing over me. I ate this thing up over the weekend unlocking every extra character and a very special and beautifully “Nintendo” snowboard. But back then, it really wasn’t about that.

My absolute favorite thing to do with this game was specifically memorizing where the camera would move and cut during time attack replays and then perform jumps and tricks to maximize the dramatic angles. I was all about the Golden Forest course and listening to the track below while essentially trying to perfect and create a music video, hitting start/replay over and over and over again until it was just right.

This game really holds up you guys and is one of the best N64 titles the NSO service has to offer. And along with Goldeneye and Banjo-Kazooie, also one that for sure contributed to grinding down the base of the analog sticks on my N64 controllers into a fine powder back in the day.

Speaking of which I can’t recommend splurging on the Switch’s wireless N64 controller enough as it just feels flat out wrong using anything else. Along with the interestingly retained Tommy Hilfiger branding, it truly makes the experience all the more authentic (for better and worse).

So if you’re of the era and recall this game fondly, what a wonderful treat we’ve got this holiday season. For me, it’s time to turn off the lights, play some house music, burn some Nag Champa and whoa boy what a lo-fi time machine we’ve got there.

1080 Snowboarding is available exclusively as part of the Nintendo Switch Online Subscription


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