HALLOWEEN 2023: Witch’s Night Out (1978)

And here we are a week into October and it already feels like the Halloween season is just going by way too fast. It’s time to really kick this thing into gear and be in the moment with as many scary movies, television specials or spooky somethings as possible until the end of the month.

This is serious business, people. We are IN IT.

I’ve actually squirreled away a bunch of stuff throughout the year with the intention of viewing them during the month and tonight’s special is one of them. Witch’s Night Out is an animated special from 1978 that used to broadcast on the Disney channel every October when I was a kid. It features a shall we say, unique art style that honestly I found a bit creepy when I was little (and still do) but always looked forward to giving a watch when the lights were out. Starring Gilda Radner as the voice of a witch who’s haunted home hosts a party for the locals in town, this story takes a very cool turn toward the end that is just to much fun to spoil.



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