COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #5 Resident Evil: REMAKE
You couldn’t really go wrong with just about any entry in this series but I’ve chosen the high definition remaster of the iconic remake that originally released on the Gamecube back in 2002 to single out. Actually it was specifically a toss up between either this or the remaster of RE4. But as much as I do love that fourth *ahem* game changing installment, it leans harder toward the action genre than this, the original, the classic, the great Resident Evil.
Dripping with atmosphere and just about every haunted mansion trope imaginable, there’s a reason this one kicked off one of the most successful video game franchises of all time (not to mention series of “films”). I strongly recommend having a file saved and ready to go right at the point where you access the path out to the cabin where good ol’ Lisa presides. Playing through that area has become a damn Halloween season tradition for this guy.
Resident Evil demands to have a spot secured on any self respecting Halloween must play list, if only for that gorgeous and haunting save room music. CHILLS.