COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #2 Mad Monster Mansion (Banjo-Kazooie)

Yes, we’ve got a bit of a cheat here as I’m recommending a specific stage in a game rather than the entire thing. It’s a slippery slope for sure but by God I’ve lost enough sleep since beginning this countdown at the thought of not including it. To be fair, Banjo-Kazooie is in my top ten games of all time and the entirety demands to be played any time of year. But all of the little details in this Mad Monster Mansion area: From that amazing stage music right down to transforming into a damn playable Jack ‘o Lantern…listen, it really doesn’t get much more Halloween than this.

Except for the #1 entry in this countdown I guess.

Oh, it also works as a bit of a sneak preview for our family Halloween costumes this year. Stay tuned…

Banjo-Kazooie is available exclusively as part of the Nintendo Switch Online Subscription


COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #1 Luigi’s Mansion 3


PODCAST: HALLOWEEN (1978):”I Guess Every Nerd is Entitled to One Good Scare, Huh?”