COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #9 Friday the 13th: The Game

This ten games to play on Switch Halloween Countdown isn’t necessarily a ranking from worst to best. But if it were, Friday the 13th: The Game would have likely taken the top spot at #1. However here we are, getting to it ASAP as a result of two types of highly sensitive time uh…sensitivities. The first is the unfortunate reality that the meat of this game relies on an online component which will be shutting down at the end of this calendar year, December 31st, 2023. But the second is the exciting (and arguably more crucial) fact that we have an actual Friday the 13th to look forward to this Halloween season!

That’s less than two weeks away!

So this is basically how the main game works: 7 random players hop online and will be thrown into one of several Camp Crystal Lake “open world” maps (all accurately taken from the movies) as Counselors attempting to survive a play session with an 8th player assigned as Jason Vorhees to hunt them down. There are various ways to go about how to make it out alive: Find various items hidden spread across the cabins to get a car or boat running, call the police and await their arrival and make for the bridge, work together with other players to actually kill Jason or play long enough for whoever is assigned as the killer to give up and hop out of the game. That last one happens quite frequently as playing as Voorhees has some great qualities, but the pure adrenaline involved in playing as a counselor is really where it’s at and far more fun than it has any right to be. There’s just so much love for the F13 franchise, this game deserves a full on review and I’ll likely write one up as a bit of a tribute before it stalks off into the sunset. But for now, play it while you can people!

Friday the 13th: The Game is truly something special and I sure am going to miss it.

FRIDAY THE 13TH: The Game is available as a physical copy or

Direct Download from the Nintendo eShop for $19.99


COUNTDOWN: Ten Games to Play on Switch This Halloween #8 Castlevania Anniversary Collection


PODCAST: The Lost Boys (1987):”Listen to This Podcast, Nerd. Become One of Us.”